Chris Temple Yoga


Welcome all. I am very excited to share with you all the benefits of creating a strong breath, body & mind connection. If you are interested in feeling the best you have ever felt, you are in the right place. If you want to make lasting changes regarding strength & flexibility to not only free your body form the aches and pains of everyday life but even thrive in that freedom, buckle up and get ready to ride. We will sweat, burn & detoxify ourselves into that very freedom. What are you waiting for? You know you know you're ready to take that next step.


Yoga means union. You create a relationship with yourself and as that relationship grows stronger and matures, you discover more and more about you and your body.

My classes are always fun and breath/anatomy based.  We use a strain/counter strain method implemented over different speeds of movement depending on the desired result. We intelligently push the pendulum of feeling and sensation so far to one side and hold it there so that when we release it gladly swings back even further in the other direction, amplifying our desired results. I believe discomfort is the way past dis-ease and pain. We move through the discomforts and face them to take our body/mind to the next level of freedom & empowerment. I like to challenge not only my students bodies, but also their mind so that they can learn to be strong, centered, focused and mindfully stretch their own physical and mental limits.